The Network-to-Network for the Gulf of Mexico (N2N-GoM) was officially launched during its kickoff meeting on Friday November 6th of 2020 counting with the participation of 16 active GoM networks.
The participating GoM networks included:
- Subsea Systems Institute
- Gulf of Mexico Large Marine Ecosystem
- Ocean Science and Limnology Institute, National Autonomous University of Mexico UNAM
- Society for Underwater Technology in the U.S.
- Texas Sea Grant
- Network of Disasters Associated with Hydrometeorological and Climate Phenomena
- International Network of Coasts and Seas
- Cima Red Pinc
- The Ocean Foundation
- Mexican Geophysics Union
- Mexican Research Consortium for the Gulf of Mexico
- Mexican National Water Comission
- Yucatan’s Deparment of Innovation, Research and Higher Education
- American Association of State Climatologist & Southern Region Climate Center
- Confederation of Industrial Chambers of Mexico
- System of Research, Innovation and Development Technology of the State of Yucatan
The launching of N2N-GoM reflects the continous effort of its Planning Committee to move forward the working program discussed in the past N2N-GoM Summer Meeting, setting the following objectives for this meeting:
- To recruit network participants to support N2N-GoM’s current working groups: Research, Data Analytics, and Governance
- To expand N2N-GoM participation in the working groups to include all active sectors in the Gulf of Mexico
- To create a N2N-GoM research structure organization by the launching of Integrated Research Teams (IRTs)
- To create a N2N-GoM data structure organization by the launching of the Data Science Team (DScT)
- To create a N2N-GoM governance structure organization by the launching of the Governance Team (GT)
The meeting started with a welcome message and summary of past activities by Dr. Zenon Medina-Cetina, N2N-GoM’s PI, followed by presentations from the three N2N-GoM’s working groups (Governance, Research and Data Science), and ending with all participants’ discussion about the formalization of N2N-GoM as a non-profit organization.