Network-to-Network Gulf of Mexico (N2N GoM) is an international collaboration of experts, decision-makers and stakeholders in the Gulf that seek to:
- Establish a scientific framework across existing GoM networks relating to climate impacts
that can be developed into a multinational research decadal plan focused on solutions - Use the establishment of N2N GoM as a case study on how to build existing networks into
new networks-to-networks
With funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF), and the sponsorship of Yucatan’s Department of Research, Innovation and Higher Education (SIIES), the Society for Underwater Technology in the U.S. (SUT-US), and the Yucatan Initiative Project at Texas A&M University (YIP-TAMU), a team of public and private researchers held an inaugural N2N meeting 1-3 October 2019 in Merida, Yucatan. This workshop, which brought together 40 representatives of GoM networks and stakeholders, began to build convergence research that uses the power of networks to identify and prioritize active Threats in the Gulf of Mexico (both of natural and anthropogenic origin), the state of Vulnerability of the systems that withstand them, and the economic, environmental and societal Consequences these can produce.